Friday, April 17, 2009

Before and After - and still progressing

My first plans were to build three 4'x8' raised beds. Then, giving it more thought, I decided 4'x4' would be more managable for me to construct. After the frames were built and beds were filled in with a layer of sand, then a mixture of garden soil, vermiculite and peat moss I enclosed them on the outside 0f the bed with 24" high chicken wire and latched them closed with a bungee cord. My original plan was to make a wire cage that would fit over the top of the bed frame but this has worked out perfectly - it's low enough I can tend to the plants without removing fencing and I can pin sunscreen to the wire with clothespins for protection against the wind. I have PVC frames on all three beds that I've used several times on cold nights, draping sunscreen over the PVC (which I will also do when the temperatures get really high this summer).

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