Today was a hot day! 85F - At high noon I went outside to check on the garden and: wilt! wilt! The peppers and nasturtiums were really wilted, and the tomatoes were just starting to droop. Even though my moisture meter shows there is moisture in the raised beds it certainly isn't enough when the temp gets high and there is dry, hard blowing hot air. This is by far the hardest part of gardening for me - do they have enough water? am I overwatering? I think I've killed most of my marigolds because I insist on watering them along with everything else, and from what I've read they really need very little water. But, then again, since they are annuals maybe it's just the end of their life cycle. I will definitely have to continue reading up on this. Here are progress pixs of all the tomato plants: (The early girls are lagging because I grew them from seeds and all the others were store-bought plants).