Hello any newcomers! This blog has been in operation for several years and I am linking it to my new blog Home Is Where The Heart Is You will find articles on my gardening adventures here.
Update: Sadly, I have no garden at the moment. In fact it's been two seasons without planting anything in my square foot gardens. What with the early heat wave in 2010 and a perfectly lousy season last year I've decided just to go awhile 'til I can't stand it and then start anew. Reading other's gardening blogs helps to whet my appetite. But, then again, yesterday's 118F temperature makes me think I made the right choice! What can grow at these temperatures.? Well, actually my cantaloupes did really well in this heat. I grew them from seeds out of a cantaloupe I bought at the store - and they were very tasty! If you stop by, leave a comment.
I try to post daily or every other day on Home Is Where The Heart Is so come see me there!