I built three raised garden beds. Two are 4'x4' with a grid of sixteen 12-inch squares in each bed. The third bed was a bargain! The wood only cost $2. I bought left-over cut wood at Lowe's and had the four pieces cut into 3.5' pieces, so this bed is slightly smaller and I adjusted the spaces according to what I planted in each.
In Bed #1 I've already harvested a bunch of radishes (cultivars: Sparkler and Cherry Belle), broccoli, and kohlrabi. Now there are two tomato plants - a Big Boy and a Big Beef, pole beans, bush beans, green pepper plants, still have a broccoli which brings in just enough to add to salads. I planted some store-bought brussel sprout plants five months ago and they are just now starting to product brussel sprouts!
In Bed #2 there is a Better Boy tomato, green peas (delicious picked young and added to salad), lettuce, mesclun, nasturtium, chives, marigolds, and a cantaloupe plant.
Bed #3 has two Early Girl tomato plants which I started from seeds, sage, bush beans, beets, three sunflowers, cosmos, margarite daisy, and lobelia. Two bell pepper seedlings bit the dust. They just weren't strong enough to withstand the gusty winds we've been having.
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